Click through rate (CTR) is an important metric in Google Ads as a high click through rate helps in improving the Quality Score of keywords and campaigns. A high CTR is also a sign that your audience is finding your ads relevant.
Ad headlines play an important role in attaining high CTR. So I am going to discuss how you can craft your headlines for higher and better click through rates.
1. Include the benefits
Make a list of how your business can help your clients and customers. What can you help them achieve? What kind of results they can get by using your products or services?
Once you have a list of benefits ready, prioritize the most important and relevant ones. There you go; you have the ideas for your headlines ready. Now consolidate each benefit in under 30 characters as that’s what the character limit of a headline is.
Here are some examples of ads which do a good job of highlighting the benefits.
2. Include the target keyword
Including what the user searched for in your ad headline automatically makes your ad relevant to the user and hence, you have a high chance of getting a high CTR. Include the target keyword in one of the headlines (preferably headline 1) and pair it with the benefit of your offer in other headline – and you have a solid combination of headlines.
Just look at all the 3 ads in the below image. All 3 of them have the exact same keyword that the user searched for in their headline 1. Also notice the benefits in headline 2.
3. Display the offer right in the headline with a CTA
Headlines get the most attention and that’s where it is best to include your offer. In addition to this, pair your offer with a CTA (call-to-action) which can come in headline 3. Headline 3 usually doesn’t show on computers. However, it does show on mobile most of the times. So if you include a CTA in headline 3, there’s no harm.
See how Servermania and Pepperfry have displayed their offers.

4. Use your business name in the headline
If you are an established brand in your market, including your business name in the headline will likely improve your Google Ads CTR. It is especially true when you are bidding on your brand name and that of your competitors’ brand names. If you have a trademark or a registered trademark for your business, adding TM and ® symbols after your business name will act as a sign of credibility and authority.
In addition to this, some combinations like [business name] + Official Website, [business name] + [your keyword], [business name] + [your product/service] are good options for headlines. See below images for examples.

5. Try some bragging
Extending the above point, if you and your business are popular in your market with hundreds of positive reviews and a lot of recognition, you can use your name, years of experience, awards you might have received, etc. in your headlines.
See the below ads for example.

6. Show the pricing when necessary
Buying decisions are driven by pricing especially in markets where multiple businesses are offering a similar product or service with almost same benefits. In such markets, highlighting your pricing in ad headlines can improve your CTR. Look at below examples.

I will be sharing more ways to improve your headlines in order to improve your Google Ads CTR in my future posts.
Do you know any more headline hacks to improve CTR? Do share your ideas in comments.